Mount Morungole lies within the Kidepo Valley National Park north-east Uganda. It is in the rugged, semi-arid Karamoja province near the border with Sudan. Neighboring peaks are Mt. Zulia, Labwor and Dodoth Hills.

The mountain harbors the small local minority Ik community who were moved by a previous administration. They were attached to Mount Morungole considering it a sacred place.

Mount Morungole Hiking and Trekking Rates

Number of people 2 Days Hikes & Trekking P/P 3 Days Hikes & Trekking P/P
1-2 $120 $210
3-4 $110 $200
5-6 $100 $190
7-8 $90 $180
10 above $80 $170

What is included?

 Camping equipments, meals (1 breakfast, 2 lunches and 1 dinner), water during the tour, local guides and 1 night accommodation on the mountain


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